Page Feed for Google Ads or DSA for PPC

In exports, you can now create a Page Feed, which you insert into Google Ads. It's easy to set up dynamic search which is targeting with a feed.

If you need to determine exactly which URLs to use dynamic search ads (DSAs), just upload a Page Feed, and Google Ads can more easily determine when to show your ads and direct users to your site. We recommend adding custom labels to your site's channel URLs so that your dynamic search ad targets are organized and categorized.

The Page Feed contains: the URL of the website (which we want to target) and a custom label (custom_label), according to which the bid can be adjusted. Each line contains a URL and one or more semicolon-separated tags. For example, you can create your own label for News, Topsellers or Price ranges.

The Page Feed template is ready. Just create an export and select "Custom csv Page Feed format" as the format

If you want to edit a template, such as changing or adding labels, you can easily edit the Page Feed template.

Then select Settings and at the bottom is the export template. It is possible to add another required variable to it. Press the percent sign (%) to bring up a list of available variables.

Then you can paste the Page Feed into Google Ads

Last updated