How to embed Page Feed in Google Ads?

In the upper right corner of your account, click the Settings icon and select Business Information.

Click the plus button, and then select Page List.

Enter the source name. Click Select File and upload the file.

Optional: Click Preview to see a summary of what will be uploaded. Click Apply.

Once the Google Page Feed is approved, Dynamic Ads will begin appearing in search.

Create a Dynamic Search Ad (DSA) in Google Ads.

In the pages menu, go to Settings.

Expand Dynamic search ads.

Select Targeting Source for your site list.

Select one or more lists to use in the campaign.

Use only URLs from my site list. This option allows you to target based on custom labels or specific rules, or to target all websites, but dynamic ad targets will only appear at the URLs in your list. For example, if you have a "URL_Contains processors" goal, you'll see all the pages in your list whose URLs include "processors."

Use URLs from my site's Google index and my site list. This option allows you to target all websites based on your own labels or specific rules, and works for all URLs in and from your list. For example, if your target is "URL_Contains processors," you'll see all pages in both Google's index and your list that have a URL that includes "processors." If you use custom labels, only the pages in your list will be displayed, as these are the only pages with custom labels.

Then just click on Save button

Last updated