Data import - XML, FTP, web services, from file, additional import, retrieve data from Google sheets
Do you need to edit data and you don't have an XML file? You can import data from the FTP server into Conviu, but also via web services or upload a saved file from your computer.
You can also add an additional import to the import. You will use this functionality the most if you need to edit data from suppliers for the e-shop. The main XML feed contains product data, and the additional XML feed from the vendor includes prices and availability. Does the supplier update prices at a certain time? You can set the import to the required minutes.
If you already have a basic import set up, you can add and edit additional data using rules and conditions.
You can also set up bulk import using a csv file or shared Google data sheets. Editing in Google Spreadsheets has the advantage that multiple people who have access to the shared file can work on the edits.
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