Data editing (XML and CSV)

Find out what the Data Editing Module (XML and csv) provides.

Conviu as an XML editorData importData import - XML, FTP, web services, from file, additional import, retrieve data from Google sheetsImport error - feed cannot be readXML Suppliers for e-shopCustom import - import of your own (any) xmlImport data - load from Google Sheets tableData exportCustom export - export of your own (any) xmlVariants in Custom XML / CSV / XLSX exportExport timerConnecting of several XMLAdditional import - Additional XML feed (csv, xls, web services, FTP)Data export - download data from XML to csvWhere to get the URL of the XML feed Zboží.cz?Where to get the URL of the Heureka XML feed?How to insert XML (URL of new export) into editing - rulesAdd an elementEdit an elementHide an elementHide the entire productBulk editBulk editBulk editing of dataBulk edit data - Google SheetsEditing variants - rules for variantsThe rule for adding a giftHow to create a custom label - g: custom_label?Edit name - PRODUCTNAMERule for rewriting categories in XMLRule for setting the price of transport - DELIVERYDate adjustment rule (e.g. availability date)The rule for hiding an elementThe rule for hiding the productHow to adjust the selling price to another currency?Adjustments within the rules - calculatorEditing within rules - nested structure - transport - DELIVERYParameter creation - PARAMPairing products on Heureka - Heureka pairerUnformatted text (text without HTML characters)A variable of type list (List variable) and separation into multiple elementsAutomatic translation - of whole XML or only selected products. Automatic website translatorDetailed overview of changes at the product levelPage Feed for Google Ads or DSA for PPCHow to embed Page Feed in Google Ads?Connection to Mall Marketplace

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